Coaching for Individuals

If you’re single, we will guide you in identifying and clearing out anything that might be preventing you from being available for a deeply connected relationship. We’ll help you uncover where you’re stuck or holding yourself back. You’ll feel increasingly confident, excited, and inspired—and discover that by being fully available for the soulmate experience, you naturally attract it into your life.

If you’re in a relationship, we’ll help you make the most of your experience by exploring new approaches to such relationship challenges as intimacy issues, financial pressures, conflict, jealousy, and addictions. You’ll come away feeling energized and empowered, with a wealth of valuable tools and an entirely fresh perspective.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or at a crossroads, we offer support and a fresh perspective to help you explore possibilities you hadn’t previously considered. And if you determine that it’s time to alter your involvement in your relationship, we’ll help guide you in doing so in the most connected, loving way possible.

Coaching for Couples

We will support you and your partner in creating an environment for your relationship to thrive so that it continues to be loving, vibrant, and connected. We will help you to:

  • Approach communication issues, lack of connection, dissatisfaction, intimacy and sexual issues, jealousy, resentment, and other relationship challenges in ways that actually bring you closer together.
  • Encourage and inspire one another to heal your past and unlock your potential in every area of your lives.
  • Cultivate an experience of increasing and profound intimacy.
  • Make every aspect of your relationship more joyful, rewarding, and fulfilling.