@maliandjoe Does your partner do things that annoy you? Here’s a way to respond to those little annoyances that can work wonders for your relationship and have you instantly feeling closer, more connected, and more in love than ever! #relationshiphappiness #adviceforcouples #marriagehack #relationshipcoaches #marriagehappinesss #makingrelationshipsbetter #relationshipadvice ♬ original sound - Mali & Joe
What to Do About Your Partner's Annoying Habits
@maliandjoe If your partner just isn’t seeing you, here’s what to do. This simple trick will help you get the attention you desire and deserve! :heart: #h#havetheloveyouwantr#relationshiphappinessl#longtermrelationshipadvicer#relationshipcoachesoftiktokm#marriagehappinessm#makingrelationshipsbettero#oversixtyclub ♬ original sound - Mali & Joe
What to Do If Your Partner Doesn't Notice You
@maliandjoe A wonderful exercise to do with your partner or someone you’re dating! :heart: #showyourlove #relationshipactivities #marriageenrichment #partneractivity #activityforcouples #intimacycoachingforcouples ♬ original sound - Mali & Joe
A Beautiful Exercise to Do with Your Partner
How Couples Can Heal “I’m Not Enough” Beliefs
Almost everyone knows the pain and frustration of believing they’re not “enough” in some way—not muscular enough, not beautiful enough, not rich enough, not smart enough. Even if this isn’t a clearly formed thought, you probably often sense it in the background, doing its best to make you feel insecure or undesirable. Here we demonstrate a simple and intimate exercise to quiet that negative voice, soothe your feelings of insufficiency, and make you much more self-accepting.
10 Sexy Date Ideas for Couples at Home
Try these sexy date night ideas—have some romantic fun, reconnect, and get your groove on! Every couple’s play date idea here is also affordable, requiring only what you already have at home. Have FUN!
11 Creative Ideas for Oral Sex: Tips for Lovers
Oral sex offers endless opportunities for intimacy, sensual exploration, and sexual pleasure, and these are some of our favorite ideas to experiment with. The ultimate secret to giving great oral sex? Enjoy it! When you’re totally into it, indulging in all of the textures and tastes and rhythms, and listening with all your senses to your partner’s responses, you’ll be creating your own “techniques” moment by moment.
How Couples Can Support Each Other—and Even Offer Advice!
We share ideas on how couples can support and encourage each other to be the best versions of themselves they can be—including what needs to be in place for this to be a positive experience for both people and the best ways to offer advice and suggestions (which can be a very tricky thing to do!).
How to Cultivate Desire and Stay Hot for Each Other!
We share what we do to consciously cultivate desire for each other—something more couples could do if they want to stay attracted to and into each other over the long term!