Category : Soul Interviews

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A Man with Soul: Paul Nijar

Hello! I am the founder of a yoga style called Yoga Do & Kali Do Yoga. They encompass my entire life, through my training in martial arts, personal training, studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, meditation and yoga. All aspects of my spiritual journey have been implemented into these classes to provide an awakening experience for the practitioners. I am currently seeking out publishers for my first book, Everything I Thought I Was & What I Came to Be, a book that shares my struggle from shifting from a pessimist to a person realizing their divine spiritual path in life.

Describe one of your most soul-opening moments.

Paul Nijar Sunset MeditationGrowing up I experienced many struggles trying to find the person I was to become and struggling within finding the level of success I sought out. As I tried and tried harder over and over again, I became frustrated with myself. I felt at a loss, thinking that I was some sort of defect. As we talk to ourselves more than any other individual out there, I realized the only way I could remedy my bleak perspective was through checking the quality of my internal dialogue. I started to write in a journal as a coaching tool to shape my mind into something more preferred. The words that presented themselves before me came from somewhere else. They seemed very foreign to the current mind set I had been carrying. I began to investigate myself further through meditation.

Meditation coupled with writing has channeled a new energy within me. From further practise I learned that there was nothing wrong with me. I came to understand that as I was trying hard at things and failing, it was because I was simply making things hard from “trying hard.” It was from that realization that I started to just BE. I let go and unclasped the clench of control I had and allowed myself to free myself from the shackles of expectation. This was such a great spiritual awakening for me because I was consumed with great liberation at this moment.

From this liberation I was able to discover love: love for myself. Rather than berating myself through “setbacks” and “failures” I received each instance through compassion. Nothing was a failure, there are no setbacks, just building blocks contributing towards my spiritual evolution.

When and with whom do you feel your most soulful?

Writing is such a beautiful time for me. It provides an opportunity for self-expression and to actually connect with my true spirit. When I start writing, insights into questions that cycle through my mind present themselves before me. Writing creates an open dialogue with myself and my true spiritual self. I tune into a meditative state during this divine moment of conversation. Time is of no consideration during this time. This is an important note to ponder because time itself is manmade. The concept of time does not apply within the realms of spirituality. When I’m writing through a meditative state, I exist merely in form on this plane, while having full consciousness of my spiritual truth in the spiritual realm.

When I’m not marinating in the sweet solitude of my time writing, I am blessed to have met a beautiful soul of whom I am inspired by every day. Meeting this great woman has created such a beautiful harmonic balance to my life. It is such a great blessing to meet someone who is aware of our spiritual existence. We are in sync energetically and spiritually. All of a sudden I am experiencing the love that the movies, songs and poems are talking about.

This is a great realization for me because, rather than considering my role within this Universe as being separate, I see the inter-connectivity of us all. We all have a shared purpose in this realm and there is no differentiation of you, me and them. We are all one. This helps an individual who is struggling in their lives thinking that they are alone.

What qualities do you feel a soulful relationship has?

A soulful relationship is our greatest blessing on this plane. When it is provided for us upon the grace of the Universe, we gain a sense of oneness and purpose. We see that the relationship has a divine purpose to achieve some sort of work in this plane. Realizing the spiritual truth of your partner is such a great understanding to hold. When the two people recognize each other beyond form and see the infinite being for who they really are, they become one. As the relationship develops and the energetic connection builds, the couple is able to be communicate telepathically and feel one another no matter the distance. A cellphone call becomes obsolete when it comes to this connection, as it transcends all cellphone coverage.

Paul NijarBeing aware of one’s spiritual truth enhances the relationship beyond all numerical values ever associated in comparison. While many people fear aging as per not being able to hold a physical attraction for their lover, the spiritual awareness in a relationship will defy all time. The soul never ages and it is always pure and an embodiment of love. This love will hold the test of time.

What do you feel your soul’s purpose is?

This was a question that I struggled with for many years growing up. I never could see the purpose of my life. Through all the struggle and setbacks I felt I was having, I couldn’t seem to piece together what the point of all of it was. Through meditation and surrounding myself with like-minded people, I was able to understand the theme of my life. I first took on the role of teacher at age 7, this is something that I continue to do in different aspects of my life. This theme of teaching and sharing a piece of who I am and what I can offer others is my soul’s purpose.

Whether I am teaching, yoga, martial arts, fitness, nutrition, life coaching, meditating, sharing spiritual insights on YouTube or writing, I am offering a piece of my spiritual understanding. As I share my insights and struggles with others, I do so in the hopes that they can live through their struggles with greater grace.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Indonesia Yoga Paul NijarOne of the greatest lessons I learned in my years is that success, happiness and peace are things that are not reserved for a select few. We all have the capacity to live the lives we fantasize about. We can make all desires a reality. The ego mind will tell us otherwise. We must remember our spiritual truth that we are infinite, unbound energy beings and everything is possible. The undesirable feelings and emotions we are plagued by at times do not belong us. Those feelings do not depict our truth. Realizing that all emotions pass is a great understanding in realizing that when they do leave, our true nature remains intact. Rather than identifying ourselves with those undesirable thoughts, emotions or feelings, we must continue to hold our spiritual truth close to our heart.

Visit Paul's blog and feel free to say hello to him on twitter, Facebook, Instagram (SatoriJewelryDesigns), and YouTube. 

We love knowing you're out there doing such great things, Paul! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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A Man with Soul: Sanjay Patel

Tell us about a deep soul connection that you’ve experienced. So far, I’ve only had a few deep soul connections with a few females in my life. One is a dear friend Jackie and she’s also a heart worker. Her nurturing skills, kindness and spiritual gifts and wisdom helped me get my life back on track, after feeling lost in life for a while. She encouraged me to explore my own spirituality and power. Her incredible spiritual gifts like her clairvoyance ability also inspired me. I honestly believe that my angels/guardians/spirit guides bought her to me to get me back on track in life and to live my life from my heart and desires, rather than living the dogma and beliefs of other people in my life. After that life felt better and got better so I’m now enjoying life more than ever.

butterflyI’m also grateful to a few ex-girlfriends who mirrored me and my beliefs at those times, and were loving and showed me my own views and beliefs in life through those relationships. Those relationships were what I could allow into my life at those times, with the beliefs and views I had. With the benefit of hindsight, I can thank those girlfriends for the powerful lessons they taught me and showed me things about myself which I was previously unaware of. Those high feelings of love you feel when are with a partner who you feel gets and understands you are divine and heavenly. As life changes and your beliefs change, relationships change too and for my benefit and theirs, those relationships were left behind and I genuinely appreciate those women and send my love and best wishes. They showed me how could life can be with a compatible partner and enriched my soul.

SanjayDescribe one of the most soul-opening moments of your life. One of my most soul-opening moments was in the summer of 2009, when I got myself into a happy and positive state of being by listening to music I felt uplifted by. I then decided to take advantage of this blissful state of being and use this opportunity to visualise things that I wanted in my life. The deliberate thoughts and feelings caused me to lose myself in my own energy, as if I was one with my soul/inner being. I was lying down on my bed and I could no longer feel parts of my body like my legs and arms as energy rushed through my body, almost like a ship in the sea gliding through the water. It was a unique and pleasurable state of being which I hope I can repeat again sometime.

When do you feel your most soulful? I am a person who is very sensitive to my physical senses. This wasn't easy to deal with growing up but I now know better and have accepted this sensitivity and embrace it. So the simple things in life make me feel the most alive, whether that’s eating a delicious meal or listening to happy, fun and uplifting music I can sing and dance to. I also love reading a good spiritual book such as The Vortex by Jerry and Esther Hicks or The Soulmate Experience by Mali and Joe! :) I also like taking pictures of wildlife and nature on my digital camera.

Being on a beach on a hot and sunny day makes me feel alive like nothing else. The fresh sea breeze, blissful sound of the sea, the softness of the sand and warm sunshine light really awakens my soul and makes me feel at one with life. Add some audio to that of a wise spiritual teacher on my iPhone, and that’s my idea of heaven.

Where have you felt the most in touch with your own soul? One of the places that stands out for me is the home of my late grandparents in India. It’s a huge modern house in a small village of mud huts, with a lot of surrounding land and is 5 minute walk to the beach. Being a small village next to the jungle, you get beautiful wild animals from peacocks, monkeys, butterflies, bird, wild cats and dogs, snakes, very rarely big cats like leopards and tigers, and also Insects and many beautiful multi coloured plants, flowers and trees. The sunshine, colours, wildlife, food and nature make it easy for me to lose myself and to be at one with my soul in those conditions. It’s hard to be anything but happy, relaxed and calm in that environment, compared to my westernised, city life in Birmingham in the UK, which is busy and always in hurry. It also brings back happy memories of playing in the house as a child with my loving grandparents who have since long departed this physical life.


Who is one of the most soulful people you’ve ever known? One that jumps to mind is the 5-year-old daughter of a friend of mine. With her mother being very wise spiritually, this young angel has been bought up in an environment of love and acceptance, and she beams happiness and acknowledges her own self worth and love, playful sharing her joy and love to the people in her life. She is delightful to see and follows her heart in every aspect of her life. She knows in her heart who she really is and her own personal power.

What qualities do you feel a soulful relationship has? Freedom, communication, acceptance and growth are the keys to a soul mate experience and good relationship in my opinion. Freedom to be yourself and be comfortable as individuals, but also comfortable with each other. And under those conditions, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth as individuals and as a couple is natural and comfortable. And of course acceptance fully of the other person in the relationship accepting their wants and desires. That is a wonderful basis to have a thriving relationship in.

beachWhat do you feel your soul’s purpose is? In general, I think it’s the purpose of all souls to come into this physical life and rediscover themselves and their own preferences despite which path or challenges you face in life. For me personally, I think my soul’s purpose in this lifetime is to learn peace, acceptance, freedom and contentment with the life around me. I also think it’s my soul’s desire to live life from the heart and to build the life I want specific to my wants and desires. And using my own unique spiritual gifts like nurturing and compassion, to guide, help and heal people who I come across in life with my own knowledge and experiences and growing from these experiences.

I’d like to thank Mali and Joe for interviewing me and send my love and appreciation for their wonderful book, The Soulmate Experience. Sharing this kind of love and wisdom in a book is great for all spiritual people and heart workers and helps people come together with common interests.

Love, light and blessings to anyone who is reading this. If anyone feels inspired to do so, they can connect with me on Facebook or twitter.

Thank you, Sanjay, for sharing a little of yourself with us. ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love