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Will You Dare? An Ongoing Love Story

This guest post is by Sky Blossoms, author of the new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

We met in an idyllic spot aptly named Eden, located on the outskirts of the Sonora desert in Arizona. I had come with my friends to enjoy the hot springs and to take a break from my busy schedule in Los Angeles. Eden’s rustic environment is informal, and that morning my look was vastly different from my usual city makeup, high heels and designer clothes. My hair was loosely tied in a bun, I wore slippers and a robe, and a towel was draped around my neck. I was walking to take a dip in the pool.

On my way, I met a friendly guy with a chess set in his hands. He introduced himself and asked if I knew how to play. I loved playing chess, but for years I didn’t have anyone to play with.

Sky Blossoms Elated RelationshipsOur game had started and never ended… During that game he looked into my eyes and found what he had been looking for all along. He knew in an instant that I was the woman of his dreams. For me it took some time – a week to be exact. We got married in two months.

The day we met was truly magical – filled with miraculous synchronicities. If I were to write the most dazzling fictional love story, I couldn’t have come up with the impeccable scenario that had unfolded. I describe it in detail in my new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

The excitement of new Love always carries a mystical touch and delight. The real art is in crafting the daily miracles together for years to come. The intimate union becomes a magnifying glass of insecurities and fears. At the same time, it offers unmatched freedom and space of safety, Love, and total acceptance. You become naked not only in the bedroom – your bare soul gets exposed.


A conscious moment-to-moment co-creation of your partnership and a focused intent to open to Love even more becomes a constant practice. Commitment grows into Devotion – an ever-evolving recognition of the Divine in your Beloved that transcends form, time, and space.

This is why wrinkles and gray hair don’t matter anymore; this is why outer attributes and age become irrelevant.

True Love is actually EASY, because it is natural to our real essence. When we get tangled in insecurities and can’t find the key to our inner prison of fears, relationships seem tough. In reality, these challenges are nothing more than reflections of your inner struggles.

It has been my mission to help others break through confinements of limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas and to open fully to the freedom and bliss of True Love. This is what I teach, and this is what Best Thing Ever is about. It also features gems of wisdom from extraordinary couples like Mali Apple and Joe Dunn.

Nothing has been easier in my life than living together with my husband and maintaining our daily magic. We dream together and craft our lives by design. A few years ago we took a leap of faith, left our full-time jobs and went to travel the world following our creative pursuits. It is an ongoing adventure, exploration, and evolution.

I’d like to share a remarkable game with you that my husband and I played a lot before we even moved in together. No, I’m not talking about chess ;-). During our phone conversations, we took turns describing to each other a day from our future life together. We were dreaming! We were unleashing our imagination and reveling in the idea. The fascinating part is that some time later, many of those scenarios which we enthusiastically designed over the phone, became our real experiences! We truly live our dreams.

Dare to dream! Dare to believe in Love! Dare to want and to expect the extraordinary!

You were born magnificent; claim your birthright to be happy! You deserve your own blissful and soulful relationship, and only you can make it happen!

Will you dare?

BestThingEverSky Blossoms is a sought-after personal guide known for catapulting her clients into the next orbit of personal happiness. Her uncanny talent allows her to see beyond the surface challenge and catalyze a shift in energy and consciousness. Sky’s natural gift is combined with a medical degree and more than a decade of studying psychology, human behavior, traditional modalities, and metaphysical approaches. Find out more at

We dare, Sky! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage

This guest post is from Ande Lyons, editor of the brand new book Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage, which we contributed to.

Do you want a more meaningful and fulfilling marriage—one where you feel deeply connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically? Seriously, do you?

Do you want to reignite the passion, eroticism, and romance you and your partner shared when you met?

In Loving and Lasting you’ll find the best advice from 20 of my favorite love experts. So get that fire extinguisher ready—these experts are ready to share it all—what really works to quickly get you tuned in and turned on in your marriage!

You’ll learn how to:

* Rediscover intimacy, sexual excitement, and physical pleasure
* Fall in love again with your spouse
* Communicate better and release negativity
* Find out what really turns you on—and excites your spouse
* Recover from past infidelities
* Create an erotic, romantic relationship

My passion for helping others bring intimacy and sexual excitement into their lives comes from what I’ve experienced in my own relationship with my sweetheart husband. Through all of life’s interesting turns, I’ve stayed committed to learning how to keep intimacy, sexual excitement, and pleasure vibrant and alive in our 25-plus year relationship. Believe me, this book has everything you need to get your marriage tuned in and turned on!

You’ll get one idea after another that will help you rapidly transform your relationship from average ho-hum to sweet love and crazy lust YUM!

The first 10 chapters help you “Tune In.” You’ll find “need-to-know” secrets for newlyweds, how to understand your man, tips to fall in love all over again, and exercises to help you release resentments and frustrations that can easily build up in any long-term relationship.

The second 10 chapters help you “Turn On!” You’ll love ideas like “how to be the chief sex officer in your marriage,” “how to have sex with your clothes on,” and “how to have more sex with your husband.” There’s even a chapter on introducing erotic play, toys, and BDSM into the bedroom!

Ready for a more vibrant, connected, and sexually satisfying marriage? Then click here to purchase a copy of Loving and Lasting!

Do you have some tips and ideas for staying tuned in and turned on in your long term relationship? YAY! Please share them in the comment section below - we'd love to read them - MUAH!

© 2013 Ande Lyons – Bring Back Desire LLC

Ande Lyons
Ande Lyons is certainly familiar with the cry of ‘someone stole my sex drive!’ She and her husband have been loving each other for 27 years and, after navigating ALL the turbulent waves of life events, they’re still turned on and tuned in – with each other.

As the founder and Chief Passion Curator for, she tastefully and playfully shares tips, tools and resources with women who want more sexual excitement in their lives. Ande is the host of After Dark Radio Show, where she helps couples stay tuned in through her engaging and informative conversations with sexperts and relationship experts.

An enthusiastic and experienced entrepreneur with an MBA and several successful businesses to her credit, Ande is enjoying a well-balanced life (really!) managing her growing business while raising two wonderful boys with her darling husband.

Thank you, Ande—we're thrilled to be a part of your very insightful—not to mention spicy!—new book. ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Mantras for Making Love

The author of this tender letter, the very first review of our brand new CD download, Mantras for Making Love, has graciously allowed us to share it with you.

As far as sexual experiences go, mine have been far from pleasant… a lifetime of sexual abuse. Sex has NEVER been pleasurable, at all. I have never experienced an orgasm.

Listening to Mantras for Making Love was a lesson for me, a long-awaited lesson. Obviously I already knew that the experiences that I have had in life were not accepted in society as normal. I wasn’t shut off from the outside world: I had friends, heard them talk about their relationships and sex lives etc., so it’s not that I was naïve enough to not know the difference but [the abuse I endured] was MY norm and I had no way to break that norm…

My point here is that listening to the mantras opened up a whole new world for me that I never knew existed. “Honor and pleasure to explore your desires with you” — for me sex was always about the other person, what they desired, them taking what they wanted. I got to the point where I left my body, let them do what they wanted and pretended it wasn’t happening. It was over quicker that way and I was hurt less.

The words “spiritual connection through our physical connection” is a foreign concept to me but one that sounds so spiritually and physically safe that even I would want to do it! The choice of phrases is remarkable. “In this loving space you are safe to try out being anyone with me,” “I am here to create a brand new experience with you tonight,” “my deepest desire is for you to open up and know yourself as a fully sexual man/woman,” “intention for our souls to unite”…

It doesn’t matter what stage of a relationship a couple is in, these mantras will be of use to them. Old, young, starting out in a relationship, together for a lifetime, trying to reconnect or reclaim their passion. These mantras will make people feel comfortable, at ease, will give them focus, encourage a feeling of openness and safety in the relationship, and improve communication.

I swore I would never have a physical relationship with anyone, ever again. What I just listened to makes me want to experience that. It has dispelled much of my fear. It makes me believe that sex and intimacy can be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience. It makes me believe that a physical connection is so much more than just the act of intercourse and that spirit and soul have as much to do with it as anatomy, if not more. It makes me believe that I am worthy of experiencing that connection with someone and also that it is not as impossible as I allowed myself to believe that it was.

After listening to it, I know that I need to do work to fix myself. I am not as emotionally or physically broken as I thought I was. Mantras for Making Love is something I will use when I find myself ready to explore the physical side of a relationship with someone. It is something I believe will help me create a safe place in which to move forward and something that will be of immense help to me in creating, experiencing, maintaining and enjoying a healthy physical relationship.

There is no doubt in my mind or in my heart that the magic people discover through you two will stay in their hearts and that the water of life will never be still; the ripples will continue forever.

Mantras for Making Love—soul-opening mantras and affirmations to create a space for profound intimacy and infuse your lovemaking with more connection, more passion, and more pleasure—is available here.
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Overcoming Jealousy: A 23-Day Online Course

If you've ever experienced jealousy, our new Overcoming Jealousy course at the Daily OM is for you!

Jealousy can be emotionally intense and physically exhausting. We don't like to admit we're feeling jealous, we don't enjoy how we act when we are, and most of us don't have effective ways of handling it. Jealousy can overtake us in an instant and leave us feeling insecure, embarrassed, paralyzed, angry, or out of control. We can find ourselves consumed with fear, imagining the worst, and disconnected from the one we love.

Whether you're currently in a relationship or not, you'll come away from this course feeling confident about your ability to approach jealousy in the future in an empowered way. With the tools and insights you'll gain, you'll never look at jealousy in the same way again.

In this 23-day course, you will:

  • Learn the root causes of jealousy
  • Explore the powerful influences of your cultural conditioning
  • Examine your personal experience with jealousy
  • Identify where your feelings of jealousy originate
  • Understand why our typical responses to jealousy are ineffective and destructive
  • Cultivate a deep sense of compassion and self-love
  • Acquire eight essential keys to freeing yourself from the pain of jealousy
  • Use powerful healing, meditation, and visualization techniques to absorb and integrate what you've learned
  • Discover how to transform jealousy from an experience of disconnection to one of increased connection
  • Learn how to harness the energy of jealousy to increase the passion in your relationship


In support of your healing and transformational journey, each day you will watch an interview with a real woman, Lisa Vincent, who shares her own experiences with that day's exploration as well as the insights she gained through it.

"I wanted to do this course with you," Lisa says, "because one of the most important and inspiring aspects of other courses and workshops I've attended was in the sharing of the participants. Their personal stories helped me to know that I wasn't alone and to discover even more about myself."

Hearing Lisa's deeply touching stories, and witnessing her transformational process, will reassure you that you really can radically transform your own relationship with jealousy.

Head on over to the Daily OM to enroll. Your first lesson will be available immediately.