Tag : sex

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Why We Haven’t Read a Book on Sex in Over a Decade

As relationship coaches and authors of books on relationships, people often give us recommendations for other books, blogs, and movies on relationships that they have enjoyed. But for the 11 years we've been together, and the 8 years we've been writing books together, we've never once read any of these books or seen a single one of these movies. Why?

Very early on in our relationship, we knew there was a purpose behind our meeting each other. There was something we were meant to do together. For a long time, we didn't know exactly what that was. So we just kept trusting, following along wherever our passion led us.

Our conversations—which were intense and meaningful and fascinating from the very first email—only grew deeper and more intriguing over time. As an editor by profession, and a lifelong book lover who always knew one day I would write my own, I took notes. Lots and lots of notes. Eventually I bought a voice recorder, because the ongoing conversations we were having kept growing more and more fascinating, and I had an insatiable desire to capture many of the ideas we were exploring and revelations we were uncovering.

Those endless pages of notes, and hundreds of hours of recordings, eventually became the initial manuscript for our first book, The Soulmate Experience. As we wrote chapter after chapter, and met with our wonderful review group to hear about their reactions and to further explore our ideas, we eventually realized we had too much information for one book. So we set aside some of the "spicier" ideas—ideas that became the starting point for our our first book's sequel, The Soulmate Lover.

All this while, we have felt "guided" to do this work. The more we open to each other, the more we explore relationships and sexuality and spirituality between the two of us, the more we work with others to implement our discoveries in their own lives, the more fervently the material "comes through" us.

Upon the publication of our new book, though, something has shifted. Suddenly I feel okay about reading what others in the field have written. In fact, I'm feeling quite passionate about it. Our ideas are already set on paper and circulating out in the world, so I no longer have the feeling that our in-process work will be influenced by reading that of other writers. So for the last few weeks, I've been thoroughly enjoying discovering what others in the field have to say, how they are grappling with the issues of keeping relationships alive and connected.

she comes firstIn that spirit, I bought Joe a book a couple of weeks ago that I knew he was just going to love, She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman. This happens to be a topic he already knows a lot about (lucky me!), and one he is quite passionate about. I ordered the book through one of our local bookstores, as I believe in supporting bookshops as inviting places to discover new ideas, meet our community, and engage our imaginations.

When we went to pick up the book, the bookseller smiled knowingly as he placed it in our hands.

We both smiled back. It was a sweet, delicious secret to be sharing with a stranger.

As we walked out of the shop, he called after us: "Have fun with that!"

We most certainly will…

Mali Apple & Joe DunnThank you for being here! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and The Soulmate Lover.

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Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage

This guest post is from Ande Lyons, editor of the brand new book Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage, which we contributed to.

Do you want a more meaningful and fulfilling marriage—one where you feel deeply connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically? Seriously, do you?

Do you want to reignite the passion, eroticism, and romance you and your partner shared when you met?

In Loving and Lasting you’ll find the best advice from 20 of my favorite love experts. So get that fire extinguisher ready—these experts are ready to share it all—what really works to quickly get you tuned in and turned on in your marriage!

You’ll learn how to:

* Rediscover intimacy, sexual excitement, and physical pleasure
* Fall in love again with your spouse
* Communicate better and release negativity
* Find out what really turns you on—and excites your spouse
* Recover from past infidelities
* Create an erotic, romantic relationship

My passion for helping others bring intimacy and sexual excitement into their lives comes from what I’ve experienced in my own relationship with my sweetheart husband. Through all of life’s interesting turns, I’ve stayed committed to learning how to keep intimacy, sexual excitement, and pleasure vibrant and alive in our 25-plus year relationship. Believe me, this book has everything you need to get your marriage tuned in and turned on!

You’ll get one idea after another that will help you rapidly transform your relationship from average ho-hum to sweet love and crazy lust YUM!

The first 10 chapters help you “Tune In.” You’ll find “need-to-know” secrets for newlyweds, how to understand your man, tips to fall in love all over again, and exercises to help you release resentments and frustrations that can easily build up in any long-term relationship.

The second 10 chapters help you “Turn On!” You’ll love ideas like “how to be the chief sex officer in your marriage,” “how to have sex with your clothes on,” and “how to have more sex with your husband.” There’s even a chapter on introducing erotic play, toys, and BDSM into the bedroom!

Ready for a more vibrant, connected, and sexually satisfying marriage? Then click here to purchase a copy of Loving and Lasting!

Do you have some tips and ideas for staying tuned in and turned on in your long term relationship? YAY! Please share them in the comment section below - we'd love to read them - MUAH!

© 2013 Ande Lyons – Bring Back Desire LLC

Ande Lyons
Ande Lyons is certainly familiar with the cry of ‘someone stole my sex drive!’ She and her husband have been loving each other for 27 years and, after navigating ALL the turbulent waves of life events, they’re still turned on and tuned in – with each other.

As the founder and Chief Passion Curator for BringBackDesire.com, she tastefully and playfully shares tips, tools and resources with women who want more sexual excitement in their lives. Ande is the host of After Dark Radio Show, where she helps couples stay tuned in through her engaging and informative conversations with sexperts and relationship experts.

An enthusiastic and experienced entrepreneur with an MBA and several successful businesses to her credit, Ande is enjoying a well-balanced life (really!) managing her growing business while raising two wonderful boys with her darling husband.

Thank you, Ande—we're thrilled to be a part of your very insightful—not to mention spicy!—new book. ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love