Daily Archives: February 4, 2014

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Will You Dare? An Ongoing Love Story

This guest post is by Sky Blossoms, author of the new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

We met in an idyllic spot aptly named Eden, located on the outskirts of the Sonora desert in Arizona. I had come with my friends to enjoy the hot springs and to take a break from my busy schedule in Los Angeles. Eden’s rustic environment is informal, and that morning my look was vastly different from my usual city makeup, high heels and designer clothes. My hair was loosely tied in a bun, I wore slippers and a robe, and a towel was draped around my neck. I was walking to take a dip in the pool.

On my way, I met a friendly guy with a chess set in his hands. He introduced himself and asked if I knew how to play. I loved playing chess, but for years I didn’t have anyone to play with.

Sky Blossoms Elated RelationshipsOur game had started and never ended… During that game he looked into my eyes and found what he had been looking for all along. He knew in an instant that I was the woman of his dreams. For me it took some time – a week to be exact. We got married in two months.

The day we met was truly magical – filled with miraculous synchronicities. If I were to write the most dazzling fictional love story, I couldn’t have come up with the impeccable scenario that had unfolded. I describe it in detail in my new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

The excitement of new Love always carries a mystical touch and delight. The real art is in crafting the daily miracles together for years to come. The intimate union becomes a magnifying glass of insecurities and fears. At the same time, it offers unmatched freedom and space of safety, Love, and total acceptance. You become naked not only in the bedroom – your bare soul gets exposed.


A conscious moment-to-moment co-creation of your partnership and a focused intent to open to Love even more becomes a constant practice. Commitment grows into Devotion – an ever-evolving recognition of the Divine in your Beloved that transcends form, time, and space.

This is why wrinkles and gray hair don’t matter anymore; this is why outer attributes and age become irrelevant.

True Love is actually EASY, because it is natural to our real essence. When we get tangled in insecurities and can’t find the key to our inner prison of fears, relationships seem tough. In reality, these challenges are nothing more than reflections of your inner struggles.

It has been my mission to help others break through confinements of limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas and to open fully to the freedom and bliss of True Love. This is what I teach, and this is what Best Thing Ever is about. It also features gems of wisdom from extraordinary couples like Mali Apple and Joe Dunn.

Nothing has been easier in my life than living together with my husband and maintaining our daily magic. We dream together and craft our lives by design. A few years ago we took a leap of faith, left our full-time jobs and went to travel the world following our creative pursuits. It is an ongoing adventure, exploration, and evolution.

I’d like to share a remarkable game with you that my husband and I played a lot before we even moved in together. No, I’m not talking about chess ;-). During our phone conversations, we took turns describing to each other a day from our future life together. We were dreaming! We were unleashing our imagination and reveling in the idea. The fascinating part is that some time later, many of those scenarios which we enthusiastically designed over the phone, became our real experiences! We truly live our dreams.

Dare to dream! Dare to believe in Love! Dare to want and to expect the extraordinary!

You were born magnificent; claim your birthright to be happy! You deserve your own blissful and soulful relationship, and only you can make it happen!

Will you dare?

BestThingEverSky Blossoms is a sought-after personal guide known for catapulting her clients into the next orbit of personal happiness. Her uncanny talent allows her to see beyond the surface challenge and catalyze a shift in energy and consciousness. Sky’s natural gift is combined with a medical degree and more than a decade of studying psychology, human behavior, traditional modalities, and metaphysical approaches. Find out more at www.BestThingEver.com.

We dare, Sky! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love