A man we've been coaching was finding himself often feeling anxious and frustrated with the challenges in his life. We asked him to make a list of things that help him to reconnect with himself, so that he would have them as reminders whenever he could use them.

When we shared his list, the first one that appears below, a woman from the Middle East was deeply touched. She said she knew of no man in her country who would be so revealing. In her honor, we are pleased to share more such lists from some very soulful men we know.

What is on your list? 

Ron Nurture Soul

The original list

Santanu Nurture Soul

Santanu Pani


Jim Sharon, author of Secrets of a Soulful Marriage


Joel Young of Non-Personal Awareness


Joe Dunn, coauthor of The Soulmate Experience


Warren Talbot of Married with Luggage

ereTobin Giblin

Tobin Giblin of Integrated Life Counseling



Sanjay Patel



Scott Dehn, of www.saintlouisreiki.com



Mike Pas


Sid Hutter


Robert Frye

Mali Apple & Joe DunnThank you, all you amazing men, for your beautiful examples of what it means to be "soulful." ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love.

5 Replies to “Men Have Souls Too!”

  1. Nimish, thank you for SEEING them!

    Ramona, you’ve pointed out something so important: that our senses are a “conduit,” if you will, between the physical and the spiritual. We actually will have a chapter on opening up our senses in our upcoming book The Soulmate Lover. While we were writing it, we came to the understanding that connecting with another through all of our senses allows us to touch each other more deeply, more fully. Thank you for shining your light here!

    And dear Leslie, so happy these touched you. We meet so many soulful men that we know they are out there, and looking too. We’ve discovered, though, that sometimes those soulful qualities might not be evident on the surface, but that if one gently opens a space for them to open up and reveal them, they are alive, thriving, and happy to come out and play!

    ♥ Mali & Joe

  2. Dear Mali & Joe, Having been with you all from the beginning I’ve had the privilege of watching and reading posts from hundreds of people. As I sifted through these broken-wide-open-offerings from men who clearly took time for introspection and ‘soul-searching’, I found that all five senses were actively engaged throughout their listings. I believe with all my heart, that in order to nurture one’s soul, it’s a key behavior. These men are actively engaged in every aspect, clear in what wraps them in the cocoon of nourishment of heart and soul, and intent on cultivating those ingredients, which in turn, attracts them back to them. What a joy to read and take to heart their offerings! Love and light, Peaches.

  3. It is so incredibly generous of you to share the thoughts, feelings, dreams, needs of men. So many of us women are clueless and so we make mistake after mistake thinking we know how they think when in reality, we don’t. And…being a single woman who has made many “relationship” mistakes, it gives me hope that somewhere, sometime, in some way I will find a man such as these truly soulful, romantic, loving men who will see that I too have a soul. Thank you my dear friends Mali and Joe.

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