Author : Mali & Joe

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The Key to Self-Love

Today, we have the pleasure of being the host on Day 2 of Daniel Parmeggiani's virtual blog tour. His new book, The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence, is celebrating its official launch.

Daniel-Parmeggiani-Headshot-cropDaniel Parmeggiani is a modern-day spiritual teacher whose approach is unaligned with any particular religion or tradition. Driven by intense psychological turmoil when he was younger, Daniel discovered within himself a deeper reality that he says not only saved his life, but also showed him the way to permanent happiness and inner peace. Those revelations became the foundation of his new book.

Yesterday, Daniel visited Kate Beddow's 'Growing Spirits' blog at where they discussed parental guilt and nature versus nurture in parenting. Today, we'd like to share with you a recent interview we had with Daniel on self-acceptance and increasing our ability to love.

MALI & JOE: Why do so many of us struggle with self-acceptance?

DANIEL:  We struggle with self-acceptance because of negative, erroneous concepts and beliefs we hold about ourselves. This, however, is not our natural state. As small children, we typically have no issues with self-acceptance. At that early age, we simply haven't yet learned that anything could possibly be wrong with us. But soon enough, we are taught that we can be good or bad, beautiful or ugly, worthy or unworthy, innocent or guilty, successful or a failure. We learn to judge and label everything, including ourselves, and we begin to wonder, “Am I smart enough, good enough, strong enough, attractive enough, popular enough?” The inevitable failures, rejections, traumas, and disappointments that accumulate intensify our self-criticism and self-doubt, and so begins our lifelong struggle to regain our own self-acceptance.

Most of our goals, obsessions and aspirations are driven by the need to prove ourselves worthy of our own self-acceptance. And this is a next to impossible task, as we try to live up to the impossible standards that society, fashion and our finicky culture in general throws at us. But in reality, there is nothing to prove because we are always entitled to our own self-embrace no matter what. We are born in a state of unconditional self-acceptance, and we just need to know that it's ok to return to that state.

MALI & JOE: How will increasing our ability to love and accept ourselves affect our relationships and our lives?

DANIEL:  There is nothing more rewarding in life than unconditional self-acceptance and self-love. It all begins with loving yourself.

When your own self-embrace is guaranteed no matter what happens, you no longer fear failure, ridicule, rejection or even humiliation. Filled with confidence and optimism, you are completely free to live life to the fullest, express yourself completely, and reach your true potential. Your relationships also take a quantum leap in quality, since you are now entering them from a place of completeness rather than neediness and incompleteness. With our insecurities gone, all the possessiveness, jealousy, defensiveness and insincerity that ruins relationships also disappear, replaced with openness, transparency and real love.

MALI & JOE: What is the easiest way to become more loving towards and accepting of ourselves?

DANIEL:  There is only one way to find true self-love, and that is by realizing we are all innocent, pure beings. We must replace the false, negative concepts we hold on to about ourselves with awareness of our true nature, which is perfectly innocent and spiritual. Awareness of our absolute innocence and our equality as flawless spiritual beings is the key to permanent and unconditional love not just for ourselves but towards everyone else. The more we awaken to who we really are, the more we are freed from the burden of proving our worth, and the closer we get to the “Inner Heaven” we all seek.


MagnificentTruths-front-coverWe hope you enjoyed this interview with Daniel Parmeggiani, author of The Magnificent Truths of Our ExistenceIn Daniel’s words, “this book provides deep spiritual insight about who we really are, the cause of our suffering, and how to transform our lives.” If you are intrigued to find out more about Dan’s approach to achieving the highest spiritual aspirations of happiness, love and inner peace, pick up a copy of The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence at:

When you buy the book now during the official launch, you’ll receive dozens of beautiful free gifts from Daniel and his friends and colleagues. It’s their way of saying "thank you" for supporting Daniel in this important spiritual work.

Be sure to follow Daniel tomorrow on the next stop of his Virtual Blog Tour, when he’ll be visiting Tina Games' 'Moonlight Musings' blog at where she and Daniel will talk about the importance of unconditional acceptance and the four questions that we should ask ourselves when we make choices.

Thank you, Daniel, for sharing your insight and wisdom with us! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover


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The Gifts of a Blind Eye

“Are you sure you don’t notice anything unusual about my face?” I asked her again.

It was Saturday afternoon. A gorgeous sunny day at a winery somewhere among the vineyards of Napa County. We’d been chatting about ten minutes when it struck me that this was the first time I’d ever met and had a conversation with someone who didn’t do that awkward double-take, nervously looking away from my face and back again, trying to figure out what was going on with me and which eye to look into.

I’d seen that response all my life. Having been born minus one optic nerve, my left eye generally just floated around. That plus the thick lenses I wore for the severe myopia in my "good" eye meant I was teased regularly in school.

Molly Nov 1964I remember standing against the gym wall with the two learning-disabled kids in my class, feeling humiliated that the team captains couldn’t decide which among the three of us to choose next.

You develop a thick skin. You come to understand that what a person looks like on the surface may not tell an accurate story about their capabilities and who they are.

I remember transferring to a new high school my sophomore year and, upon arriving my first day, being immediately escorted by a kind lady to the classroom for students with physical and mental limitations.

You learn to speak up for yourself.

“This can’t be my classroom,” I said. “It must be a mistake.”

I remember spending an entire summer trying to learn how to return a tennis ball until I realized, this is just not the sport for me. Along with baseball, basketball, frisbee . . .

You become resilient. You work hard to discover where you can excel.

I remember a woman in an aerobics class, who’d apparently gotten herself all worked up by the time she finally turned around and screamed: “Why do you keep staring at me?!”

You learn to smile at the little ironies of life. Before that moment, I hadn’t even known she was there.

I remember a young woman in college I’d just met who said flat out, “Why don’t you get that eye fixed? It’s really unattractive.”

You develop empathy. It’s been said that facial defects are the most difficult for people to accept, and I’ve noticed that is true for me, too, when I meet people who have them.

“No, I don’t notice anything unusual about your face,” the woman sipping the chardonnay said again. “Now you must tell me why you’re asking!”

Mali post-surgeryWhat was different that day in Napa was that I’d just recovered from surgery to straighten my eye. It wasn’t 100% successful, but enough so that my misbehaving eye wasn’t the first thing someone noticed upon meeting me.

What a freeing feeling that was!

And yet . . .

This “defect” has been such a gift to me. The more I contemplate my blind eye and limited vision, the more I learn from it, the more I see how this “disability” has helped to shape who I am.

I’ve always recognized that my visual limitations encouraged my other senses to develop more fully, including my intuitive senses. Navigating life without them would be much harder than navigating it minus one eye.

Seeing the world without normal depth perception has made me into someone who searches for the depth in everything.

Having precarious vision in my sighted eye, with no spare to count on, has made me incredibly grateful for this truly magical sense. I’ve always been in love with sight. If you know me, you know I never take a sunrise, a rainbow, a baby’s face, or the cross-section of a red pepper for granted. (And I'll try to make sure you don't, either!)

Mali todayA while back, I overheard a couple in a restaurant talking about their baby daughter. They had just found out that she was blind in one eye. They sounded scared, really worried about what effects this would have on her life.

I just couldn't not go over and introduce myself.

“I wouldn’t say that there haven’t been challenges along the way,” I told them, “but facing those challenges has everything to do with the person I am today. Yes, she probably won’t be a natural at softball or tennis, she will need to learn some special tricks to be able to parallel park, but with you helping her to discover all the gifts in her special circumstances, her life is going to be exceptional.”

If you’re dealing with a challenging life situation, what’s to lose by spending a little time contemplating what gifts that situation just might have for you? 

~Mali Apple, coauthor of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover

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A Man with Soul: Paul Nijar

Hello! I am the founder of a yoga style called Yoga Do & Kali Do Yoga. They encompass my entire life, through my training in martial arts, personal training, studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine, meditation and yoga. All aspects of my spiritual journey have been implemented into these classes to provide an awakening experience for the practitioners. I am currently seeking out publishers for my first book, Everything I Thought I Was & What I Came to Be, a book that shares my struggle from shifting from a pessimist to a person realizing their divine spiritual path in life.

Describe one of your most soul-opening moments.

Paul Nijar Sunset MeditationGrowing up I experienced many struggles trying to find the person I was to become and struggling within finding the level of success I sought out. As I tried and tried harder over and over again, I became frustrated with myself. I felt at a loss, thinking that I was some sort of defect. As we talk to ourselves more than any other individual out there, I realized the only way I could remedy my bleak perspective was through checking the quality of my internal dialogue. I started to write in a journal as a coaching tool to shape my mind into something more preferred. The words that presented themselves before me came from somewhere else. They seemed very foreign to the current mind set I had been carrying. I began to investigate myself further through meditation.

Meditation coupled with writing has channeled a new energy within me. From further practise I learned that there was nothing wrong with me. I came to understand that as I was trying hard at things and failing, it was because I was simply making things hard from “trying hard.” It was from that realization that I started to just BE. I let go and unclasped the clench of control I had and allowed myself to free myself from the shackles of expectation. This was such a great spiritual awakening for me because I was consumed with great liberation at this moment.

From this liberation I was able to discover love: love for myself. Rather than berating myself through “setbacks” and “failures” I received each instance through compassion. Nothing was a failure, there are no setbacks, just building blocks contributing towards my spiritual evolution.

When and with whom do you feel your most soulful?

Writing is such a beautiful time for me. It provides an opportunity for self-expression and to actually connect with my true spirit. When I start writing, insights into questions that cycle through my mind present themselves before me. Writing creates an open dialogue with myself and my true spiritual self. I tune into a meditative state during this divine moment of conversation. Time is of no consideration during this time. This is an important note to ponder because time itself is manmade. The concept of time does not apply within the realms of spirituality. When I’m writing through a meditative state, I exist merely in form on this plane, while having full consciousness of my spiritual truth in the spiritual realm.

When I’m not marinating in the sweet solitude of my time writing, I am blessed to have met a beautiful soul of whom I am inspired by every day. Meeting this great woman has created such a beautiful harmonic balance to my life. It is such a great blessing to meet someone who is aware of our spiritual existence. We are in sync energetically and spiritually. All of a sudden I am experiencing the love that the movies, songs and poems are talking about.

This is a great realization for me because, rather than considering my role within this Universe as being separate, I see the inter-connectivity of us all. We all have a shared purpose in this realm and there is no differentiation of you, me and them. We are all one. This helps an individual who is struggling in their lives thinking that they are alone.

What qualities do you feel a soulful relationship has?

A soulful relationship is our greatest blessing on this plane. When it is provided for us upon the grace of the Universe, we gain a sense of oneness and purpose. We see that the relationship has a divine purpose to achieve some sort of work in this plane. Realizing the spiritual truth of your partner is such a great understanding to hold. When the two people recognize each other beyond form and see the infinite being for who they really are, they become one. As the relationship develops and the energetic connection builds, the couple is able to be communicate telepathically and feel one another no matter the distance. A cellphone call becomes obsolete when it comes to this connection, as it transcends all cellphone coverage.

Paul NijarBeing aware of one’s spiritual truth enhances the relationship beyond all numerical values ever associated in comparison. While many people fear aging as per not being able to hold a physical attraction for their lover, the spiritual awareness in a relationship will defy all time. The soul never ages and it is always pure and an embodiment of love. This love will hold the test of time.

What do you feel your soul’s purpose is?

This was a question that I struggled with for many years growing up. I never could see the purpose of my life. Through all the struggle and setbacks I felt I was having, I couldn’t seem to piece together what the point of all of it was. Through meditation and surrounding myself with like-minded people, I was able to understand the theme of my life. I first took on the role of teacher at age 7, this is something that I continue to do in different aspects of my life. This theme of teaching and sharing a piece of who I am and what I can offer others is my soul’s purpose.

Whether I am teaching, yoga, martial arts, fitness, nutrition, life coaching, meditating, sharing spiritual insights on YouTube or writing, I am offering a piece of my spiritual understanding. As I share my insights and struggles with others, I do so in the hopes that they can live through their struggles with greater grace.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Indonesia Yoga Paul NijarOne of the greatest lessons I learned in my years is that success, happiness and peace are things that are not reserved for a select few. We all have the capacity to live the lives we fantasize about. We can make all desires a reality. The ego mind will tell us otherwise. We must remember our spiritual truth that we are infinite, unbound energy beings and everything is possible. The undesirable feelings and emotions we are plagued by at times do not belong us. Those feelings do not depict our truth. Realizing that all emotions pass is a great understanding in realizing that when they do leave, our true nature remains intact. Rather than identifying ourselves with those undesirable thoughts, emotions or feelings, we must continue to hold our spiritual truth close to our heart.

Visit Paul's blog and feel free to say hello to him on twitter, Facebook, Instagram (SatoriJewelryDesigns), and YouTube. 

We love knowing you're out there doing such great things, Paul! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Kiss Your Fights Good-Bye: A Book Review

KissYourFightsGoodbyeIf you're experiencing conflict, disagreements, or other communication issues in your relationship, you might take a look at the new book Kiss Your Fights Good-Bye: Dr. Love’s 10 Simple Steps to Cooling Conflict and Rekindling Your Relationship.

Dr. Jamie Turndorf, aka Dr. Love, shares in clear, understandable language her truly powerful method for healing destructive patterns of relating and transforming conflict into connection. What we think makes this book so special is that she’s willing to go deep into the trenches with you, help you assess exactly what’s been keeping you there, and then, step by step, help you free yourself again.

There's a lot of great information here, like:

  • Why we get into negative conflict and communication patterns in the first place
  • Why we can tend to misinterpret our partner’s words and actions in the most negative way
  • How to break through negative—and often unconscious—communication patterns
  • Why biological differences between the sexes can lead to poor communication patterns, and how to use that knowledge to increase connection
  • Ways to identify behaviors that cause conflicts to spiral out of control
  • How to recognize and defuse common “fight traps,” like scorekeeping, globalizing, power plays, and guilt trips
  • How to determine when old traumas or wounds are contributing to your conflict and start on your path to healing them

Here's just one of her powerful suggestions:

The next time you and your mate have a conflict discussion, turn on a voice recorder. Try to forget that it’s running and speak naturally. Then listen to yourselves afterward. Honestly examine how you both sound. I bet you’ll be surprised.

Even if you don’t often fight, we think this book is insightful for anyone who wants to understand more about how to make a good relationship great or turn conflict with anyone—like family, friends, and co-workers—into deeper connection.

Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Doing My Work

Marie Franklin lives with her husband in Portland, Oregon. They met 10 years ago and have been madly in love ever since. Marie is a matchmaker who wants to help others find their Soulmate Experiences, too!

SME at Book Passage

If you have started down a path in search of the Truth, then you know that certain books will present themselves to you along the way as you increase your understanding.

The Soulmate Experience is one of those books.

I’m a highly spiritual person and have been reading and looking for whatever “the real Truth is” my whole life. And I found rather quickly that if you do sincerely seek the Truth, you will stumble down a path and find it. It is not an overnight journey for most of us. For me, although I’ve been at it my whole life, I am just now really getting somewhere.

The first thing you learn on this path is that all answers must come from within. Which is really confusing, especially when you are holding a book in your hand outside of your body, and it is telling you that the answers you seek are within you. So you respond with “Huh? If the answers were within me then I would already know what I am trying to learn!”

And the next thing you find out is, yes you do already know what you are trying to learn. The Truth is held forever safe and sacred in a spot within you.

Then you find out that in order to find that sacred spot, you must “do your work.”

Your work will be different from anyone else’s work, and you’re the only one who can do yours. But if you do it… if you really do your work and complete most of it… literal treasure awaits you.

Emotional treasure.

The Soulmate Experience is a book for people who are ready to do their work. I think everyone could benefit from this book’s cool and beautiful tone and message. But readers who are on the path to Truth and who are ready and willing to work at the soul level will probably be greatly affected by this book.

As I read it, I was reminded again about so many Truths I have learned along my path.

Be in the present moment.

Treat everyone as a guest.

Release all guilt and resentments.

Don’t play negative tapes in your head all day.

Feel your gratitude.


When you have begun to do your work, the list above is easier. I’m so glad I found this book right here on my path, because I have at least done enough work to come back to these practices and put them back into place. I haven’t done enough work yet that it is habit to have these in place, though. But I intend to get there. The Soulmate Experience is clearly the right step for me at this time.

When you really are present and loving and treating your life partner as your honored guest, you begin to feel that spot within you. That spot within you where the Truth is forever protected and waiting for you to find it again. When you engage on the soul level you feel yourself begin remember these important truths.

The authors are clearly people who are farther on down the path than I am. They are exactly the type of calm and centered loving people who can really use manifestation techniques well, because they understand how they work and why. After reading the book I went and watched a few clips of Joe and Mali in the Media section of their website, just to get to know them a little better. Seeing them for a few moments, I felt like I knew them and that I could trust them. When people do their work and get on down the path a bit, they can help the rest of us, sometimes just by their mere presence. You can see that they are at peace, and you know that peace might rub off on you a bit.

Readers who may have never been exposed to such metaphysical concepts will be amazed at what is presented in this book. I can imagine it could actually prompt someone onto their own path to Truth.

I am drawn to this book on many levels. The first one is that I am in a Soulmate Experience right now, every day! I am married to the man of my dreams and we are in love on the deep, soul level the book describes. When Joe and Mali are telling us what they “know” about romantic relationships, you can feel their love for each other, but also their ability to love in general. This shines through the book and helps the reader engage with their inner, deepest capacity for love.

Another level this book appeals to me is in the realm of romantic relationships, because I am a dating coach and matchmaker. I can’t wait to give this book to certain clients who I know will be able to use it! For some, this book could be a life changer. If a person can clear the space in their lives for their “guest,” then amazing things can happen.


The book emphasizes that to engage on a soul level, you have to believe that you deserve it. This is hard for some people. So many of us have felt held back by life or cheated out of good things, especially romantic relationships. Then you don’t know if it is chicken or egg. Did I end up with poor results in the past because I didn’t really think I deserved true love, or did I really not deserve true love and that’s why I didn’t find it? It is easy for some people to feel that they are not deserving must be the answer.

But this feeling can be overcome and if you do overcome it, you’re going to be so much more likely to find that love you deserve. When you know you deserve it, your path opens up to better possibilities for you. This is true in so many other areas of life, but particularly in manifesting a truly loving relationship.

I’m pretty good at manifesting, but I still have a lot of work to do. Reading The Soulmate Experience reminded me to get more of my work done. I have so much still to do, and I know that if I do it, the type of relationship experiences Joe and Mali promise can happen, will happen. I have had enough glimpses in my life to know that I’m almost there.

This book is about Soulmate Experiences in the truest sense. We all have souls, and we can all experience each other on that level. It does not even have to be in the form of a romantic relationship, but when it is, it is like Heaven.

Marie, we honestly can't thank you enough for taking the time to share your experience with our Experience. Love and gratitude, Mali & Joe

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A Man with Soul: Sanjay Patel

Tell us about a deep soul connection that you’ve experienced. So far, I’ve only had a few deep soul connections with a few females in my life. One is a dear friend Jackie and she’s also a heart worker. Her nurturing skills, kindness and spiritual gifts and wisdom helped me get my life back on track, after feeling lost in life for a while. She encouraged me to explore my own spirituality and power. Her incredible spiritual gifts like her clairvoyance ability also inspired me. I honestly believe that my angels/guardians/spirit guides bought her to me to get me back on track in life and to live my life from my heart and desires, rather than living the dogma and beliefs of other people in my life. After that life felt better and got better so I’m now enjoying life more than ever.

butterflyI’m also grateful to a few ex-girlfriends who mirrored me and my beliefs at those times, and were loving and showed me my own views and beliefs in life through those relationships. Those relationships were what I could allow into my life at those times, with the beliefs and views I had. With the benefit of hindsight, I can thank those girlfriends for the powerful lessons they taught me and showed me things about myself which I was previously unaware of. Those high feelings of love you feel when are with a partner who you feel gets and understands you are divine and heavenly. As life changes and your beliefs change, relationships change too and for my benefit and theirs, those relationships were left behind and I genuinely appreciate those women and send my love and best wishes. They showed me how could life can be with a compatible partner and enriched my soul.

SanjayDescribe one of the most soul-opening moments of your life. One of my most soul-opening moments was in the summer of 2009, when I got myself into a happy and positive state of being by listening to music I felt uplifted by. I then decided to take advantage of this blissful state of being and use this opportunity to visualise things that I wanted in my life. The deliberate thoughts and feelings caused me to lose myself in my own energy, as if I was one with my soul/inner being. I was lying down on my bed and I could no longer feel parts of my body like my legs and arms as energy rushed through my body, almost like a ship in the sea gliding through the water. It was a unique and pleasurable state of being which I hope I can repeat again sometime.

When do you feel your most soulful? I am a person who is very sensitive to my physical senses. This wasn't easy to deal with growing up but I now know better and have accepted this sensitivity and embrace it. So the simple things in life make me feel the most alive, whether that’s eating a delicious meal or listening to happy, fun and uplifting music I can sing and dance to. I also love reading a good spiritual book such as The Vortex by Jerry and Esther Hicks or The Soulmate Experience by Mali and Joe! :) I also like taking pictures of wildlife and nature on my digital camera.

Being on a beach on a hot and sunny day makes me feel alive like nothing else. The fresh sea breeze, blissful sound of the sea, the softness of the sand and warm sunshine light really awakens my soul and makes me feel at one with life. Add some audio to that of a wise spiritual teacher on my iPhone, and that’s my idea of heaven.

Where have you felt the most in touch with your own soul? One of the places that stands out for me is the home of my late grandparents in India. It’s a huge modern house in a small village of mud huts, with a lot of surrounding land and is 5 minute walk to the beach. Being a small village next to the jungle, you get beautiful wild animals from peacocks, monkeys, butterflies, bird, wild cats and dogs, snakes, very rarely big cats like leopards and tigers, and also Insects and many beautiful multi coloured plants, flowers and trees. The sunshine, colours, wildlife, food and nature make it easy for me to lose myself and to be at one with my soul in those conditions. It’s hard to be anything but happy, relaxed and calm in that environment, compared to my westernised, city life in Birmingham in the UK, which is busy and always in hurry. It also brings back happy memories of playing in the house as a child with my loving grandparents who have since long departed this physical life.


Who is one of the most soulful people you’ve ever known? One that jumps to mind is the 5-year-old daughter of a friend of mine. With her mother being very wise spiritually, this young angel has been bought up in an environment of love and acceptance, and she beams happiness and acknowledges her own self worth and love, playful sharing her joy and love to the people in her life. She is delightful to see and follows her heart in every aspect of her life. She knows in her heart who she really is and her own personal power.

What qualities do you feel a soulful relationship has? Freedom, communication, acceptance and growth are the keys to a soul mate experience and good relationship in my opinion. Freedom to be yourself and be comfortable as individuals, but also comfortable with each other. And under those conditions, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth as individuals and as a couple is natural and comfortable. And of course acceptance fully of the other person in the relationship accepting their wants and desires. That is a wonderful basis to have a thriving relationship in.

beachWhat do you feel your soul’s purpose is? In general, I think it’s the purpose of all souls to come into this physical life and rediscover themselves and their own preferences despite which path or challenges you face in life. For me personally, I think my soul’s purpose in this lifetime is to learn peace, acceptance, freedom and contentment with the life around me. I also think it’s my soul’s desire to live life from the heart and to build the life I want specific to my wants and desires. And using my own unique spiritual gifts like nurturing and compassion, to guide, help and heal people who I come across in life with my own knowledge and experiences and growing from these experiences.

I’d like to thank Mali and Joe for interviewing me and send my love and appreciation for their wonderful book, The Soulmate Experience. Sharing this kind of love and wisdom in a book is great for all spiritual people and heart workers and helps people come together with common interests.

Love, light and blessings to anyone who is reading this. If anyone feels inspired to do so, they can connect with me on Facebook or twitter.

Thank you, Sanjay, for sharing a little of yourself with us. ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Will You Dare? An Ongoing Love Story

This guest post is by Sky Blossoms, author of the new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

We met in an idyllic spot aptly named Eden, located on the outskirts of the Sonora desert in Arizona. I had come with my friends to enjoy the hot springs and to take a break from my busy schedule in Los Angeles. Eden’s rustic environment is informal, and that morning my look was vastly different from my usual city makeup, high heels and designer clothes. My hair was loosely tied in a bun, I wore slippers and a robe, and a towel was draped around my neck. I was walking to take a dip in the pool.

On my way, I met a friendly guy with a chess set in his hands. He introduced himself and asked if I knew how to play. I loved playing chess, but for years I didn’t have anyone to play with.

Sky Blossoms Elated RelationshipsOur game had started and never ended… During that game he looked into my eyes and found what he had been looking for all along. He knew in an instant that I was the woman of his dreams. For me it took some time – a week to be exact. We got married in two months.

The day we met was truly magical – filled with miraculous synchronicities. If I were to write the most dazzling fictional love story, I couldn’t have come up with the impeccable scenario that had unfolded. I describe it in detail in my new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life.

The excitement of new Love always carries a mystical touch and delight. The real art is in crafting the daily miracles together for years to come. The intimate union becomes a magnifying glass of insecurities and fears. At the same time, it offers unmatched freedom and space of safety, Love, and total acceptance. You become naked not only in the bedroom – your bare soul gets exposed.


A conscious moment-to-moment co-creation of your partnership and a focused intent to open to Love even more becomes a constant practice. Commitment grows into Devotion – an ever-evolving recognition of the Divine in your Beloved that transcends form, time, and space.

This is why wrinkles and gray hair don’t matter anymore; this is why outer attributes and age become irrelevant.

True Love is actually EASY, because it is natural to our real essence. When we get tangled in insecurities and can’t find the key to our inner prison of fears, relationships seem tough. In reality, these challenges are nothing more than reflections of your inner struggles.

It has been my mission to help others break through confinements of limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas and to open fully to the freedom and bliss of True Love. This is what I teach, and this is what Best Thing Ever is about. It also features gems of wisdom from extraordinary couples like Mali Apple and Joe Dunn.

Nothing has been easier in my life than living together with my husband and maintaining our daily magic. We dream together and craft our lives by design. A few years ago we took a leap of faith, left our full-time jobs and went to travel the world following our creative pursuits. It is an ongoing adventure, exploration, and evolution.

I’d like to share a remarkable game with you that my husband and I played a lot before we even moved in together. No, I’m not talking about chess ;-). During our phone conversations, we took turns describing to each other a day from our future life together. We were dreaming! We were unleashing our imagination and reveling in the idea. The fascinating part is that some time later, many of those scenarios which we enthusiastically designed over the phone, became our real experiences! We truly live our dreams.

Dare to dream! Dare to believe in Love! Dare to want and to expect the extraordinary!

You were born magnificent; claim your birthright to be happy! You deserve your own blissful and soulful relationship, and only you can make it happen!

Will you dare?

BestThingEverSky Blossoms is a sought-after personal guide known for catapulting her clients into the next orbit of personal happiness. Her uncanny talent allows her to see beyond the surface challenge and catalyze a shift in energy and consciousness. Sky’s natural gift is combined with a medical degree and more than a decade of studying psychology, human behavior, traditional modalities, and metaphysical approaches. Find out more at

We dare, Sky! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love

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Is There a Soul Mate for Me?

Excerpted with permission from the new book Best Thing Ever: Escape Disappointments and Drama and Let True Love Into Your Life by Sky Blossoms, for which we were interviewed. 

When I was about eleven years old, I watched my very first soap opera. The main heroine met the man of her dreams, but soon after that, he tragically died. About twenty episodes later, she met someone else and fell in love again. This was shocking to my childish idealism. How could she be with another person? Isn’t there only one perfect mate for each of us? Don’t you meet your prince, fall in love with him, and live happily ever after?

I grew up understanding that we are not limited to a sole path of happiness, and our lives can take different turns and be joyously shared with more than one partner. It was liberating to realize that we are not bound to a single person for contentment and a blissful life. However, the question then becomes, if we have no pre-determined mate, what makes someone the right partner or the one?

BestThingEverSimply put, it is a mate with whom you can fulfill the purpose of your relationship. Whether a reason behind your romantic union is to experience fun and adventure, or lust and passion, or to feel secure and gain financial benefits, or to have children, the right partner is someone who can help you accomplish your goals. When you yearn for a multidimensional experience—a genuine and soulful connection on every level: physical, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual—the definition of the love of your life also becomes multifaceted.

In this case, the one is a chosen partner with whom you can craft a delightful and lasting relationship and create a truly wonderful and exciting life. Such a romantic union will enrich the lives of both of you in every single way. Your hearts will open to each other, and your aims, goals, and values will be in alignment. You will evoke the best in one another and become a mutual source of inspiration and encouragement. Each of you will feel more empowered and shine your brightest, reach for new heights and have more clarity than ever before. Loving your mate will feel like you are expanding. Your communication will be seamless, and your attraction will be very strong.

When your mutual love and deep appreciation grow, the two of you will frequently feel as one, as if your very souls intertwine and saturate each other. This kind of kinship is often called “soul mates,” because your affinity is much more profound than similar interests and sexual chemistry. The one for you is the mirror of who you are. In order to recognize him, you have to see yourself clearly, feel your core, or your eternal essence, know your power, and keep your heart open to love.

Becoming the authentic—and thus best—version of yourself is all the work you’ll ever have to do for your relationship. The Life-giving Creative Source of the Universe will take care of the rest, including attracting the mate of your dreams. And yes, there is a person, perhaps more than one, who is waiting to become your blissful co-creator of whatever experiences you desire.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman and William Thetford

Sky_BlossomsSky Blossoms is a sought-after personal guide known for catapulting her clients into the next orbit of personal happiness. Her uncanny talent allows her to see beyond the surface challenge and catalyze a shift in energy and consciousness. Sky’s natural gift is combined with a medical degree and more than a decade of studying psychology, human behavior, traditional modalities, and metaphysical approaches. Find out more at

Thank you for including us in your beautiful book, Sky! ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, 52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love


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Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage

This guest post is from Ande Lyons, editor of the brand new book Loving and Lasting: How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On in Your Marriage, which we contributed to.

Do you want a more meaningful and fulfilling marriage—one where you feel deeply connected emotionally, spiritually, and physically? Seriously, do you?

Do you want to reignite the passion, eroticism, and romance you and your partner shared when you met?

In Loving and Lasting you’ll find the best advice from 20 of my favorite love experts. So get that fire extinguisher ready—these experts are ready to share it all—what really works to quickly get you tuned in and turned on in your marriage!

You’ll learn how to:

* Rediscover intimacy, sexual excitement, and physical pleasure
* Fall in love again with your spouse
* Communicate better and release negativity
* Find out what really turns you on—and excites your spouse
* Recover from past infidelities
* Create an erotic, romantic relationship

My passion for helping others bring intimacy and sexual excitement into their lives comes from what I’ve experienced in my own relationship with my sweetheart husband. Through all of life’s interesting turns, I’ve stayed committed to learning how to keep intimacy, sexual excitement, and pleasure vibrant and alive in our 25-plus year relationship. Believe me, this book has everything you need to get your marriage tuned in and turned on!

You’ll get one idea after another that will help you rapidly transform your relationship from average ho-hum to sweet love and crazy lust YUM!

The first 10 chapters help you “Tune In.” You’ll find “need-to-know” secrets for newlyweds, how to understand your man, tips to fall in love all over again, and exercises to help you release resentments and frustrations that can easily build up in any long-term relationship.

The second 10 chapters help you “Turn On!” You’ll love ideas like “how to be the chief sex officer in your marriage,” “how to have sex with your clothes on,” and “how to have more sex with your husband.” There’s even a chapter on introducing erotic play, toys, and BDSM into the bedroom!

Ready for a more vibrant, connected, and sexually satisfying marriage? Then click here to purchase a copy of Loving and Lasting!

Do you have some tips and ideas for staying tuned in and turned on in your long term relationship? YAY! Please share them in the comment section below - we'd love to read them - MUAH!

© 2013 Ande Lyons – Bring Back Desire LLC

Ande Lyons
Ande Lyons is certainly familiar with the cry of ‘someone stole my sex drive!’ She and her husband have been loving each other for 27 years and, after navigating ALL the turbulent waves of life events, they’re still turned on and tuned in – with each other.

As the founder and Chief Passion Curator for, she tastefully and playfully shares tips, tools and resources with women who want more sexual excitement in their lives. Ande is the host of After Dark Radio Show, where she helps couples stay tuned in through her engaging and informative conversations with sexperts and relationship experts.

An enthusiastic and experienced entrepreneur with an MBA and several successful businesses to her credit, Ande is enjoying a well-balanced life (really!) managing her growing business while raising two wonderful boys with her darling husband.

Thank you, Ande—we're thrilled to be a part of your very insightful—not to mention spicy!—new book. ~Mali & Joe, authors of The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships52 Prescriptions for Happiness, and the upcoming book The Soulmate Lover, and creators of Mantras for Making Love